Preventing a formula from being processed in retro calculations

By | April 20, 2009

It is often necessary to change the behaviour of a formula depending on wether it is being called from the current calendar or a retro calendar. This tip shows you a simple method for determining if a formula is being processed in the current calendar.

The “CURR PRD CAL ID” System Element returns the Calendar ID of the current period to be processed.

The “CAL ID” System Element returns the calendar ID from the calendar currently being processed

By comparing the “CURR PRD CAL ID” and “CAL ID” we can check if a formula is being processed in the current Calendar/Period, as apposed to a retro Calendar/Period. If the “CURR PRD CAL ID” and “CAL ID” are equal, the formula is being processed in the current Calendar.

The following formula excerpt shows this logic in an If construct:

Process in current period only
Process in retro periods only

3 thoughts on “Preventing a formula from being processed in retro calculations

  1. Colin

    Keep posting the Global payroll stuff. Very good and highly articulated articles!

  2. Sovit Kumar

    Hello Paul,

    In PeopleSoft global payroll, I want to process retro for an element, for the current fiscal only.
    Example: I ran September Calendar with retro processing from January, but for a particular element I want retro to happen from April. As April to March is the Fiscal Period.

    Can you please provide some help in this issue ?


    1. Paul Clarke

      Hi Sovit,

      You need to use Retro Process Overrides to control the retro behaviour for different retro periods.

      Cheers Paul.

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